HELP Foundation 29th Annual Walk A Thon

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Mansquan Reservoir, 311 Windeler Road, Howell NJ 07731

Walker Registration Form

WalkAThon Contact Numbers: 732-679-8497, 732-778-3934, 845-346-5903, 908-608-7755, 551-227-0263, 732-614-7125
For the past 29 years HELP Foundation has not only helped destitute children in India but also provided a platform for over a 1,000 children in USA to serve India. Every year the HELP Walkathon is held the Sunday after Labor Day at Mansquan Reservoir in Howell NJ. It's a fun filled day with free breakfast and free lunch. Students raise money and submit their donations when they register. Those who raise the most are given awards. In order to receive volunteer hours students must be present at the Walkathon.
WALKER: You are the walker. The people who donate the money thru you are the sponsors.

SPONSORS: The Walkathon sponsors are those, who sponsor your walk and pay you. The walkers should contact sponsors to raise donations. Please contact as many sponsors as possible. All Walkers should keep a goal of raising a minimum of $100 or more. Start contacting the sponsors ASAP.

  • The walkers can suggest the sponsors to pledge $10 or more. If possible collect money in advance.
  • The walkers should keep track of sponsor’s address, telephone number, email address and amount pledged/paid on the Registration Form for sending back the tax receipts.
  • Request sponsors to make payment using options listed under “How to Send Money to HELP Foundation” below

AWARDS: will be distributed as follows
  1. You must register and be a walker.
  2. You must identify as a student on the registration form.
  3. You will be awarded a Community Service Award if you raise a minimum of $100.
  4. You will be awarded a Community Leadership Award if you raise a minimum of $350
  5. Top 3 walkers will be recognized with commendation certificates.
Walker Registration Form
DAY OF WALK-ATHON (September 10, 2023)
  1. You must turn in Registration Form and the money collected at Walk-A-Thon on September 10 or earlier.
HOW TO SEND MONEY TO HELP FOUNDATION: We encourage you to send the money collected before September 10, 2023.
The walkers/sponsors/Group Leader/Group Members can send the money in one of the following ways:
  1. Pay using Zelle
    a) Use the name: HELP Foundation to make the payment. (Payee is HELP Foundation)
    b) Use the email address:
    c) In the message field clearly state the purpose of your donation for example: "Walkathon donation for walker Smita Nagaraj"
  2. Send a check payable to HELP Foundation and mail to : HELP Foundation, 185 Scarborough Way, Marlboro, NJ 07746
  3. Pay with credit/debit card using GoFundMe .
  4. Pay with
AFTER THE WALKATHON: Please send all the outstanding dues to Foundation address within 4 weeks after the Walkathon to receive the Award.
HELP Foundation
185 Scarborough Way, Marlboro, NJ 07746

Pictures of 2019 Walk-A-Thon